Justification for Evolve Attendance

Tips for making the case with your manager(s):


    1. Highlight tangible returns your attendance will bring to your organization
    2. Offer to present what you learned at Evolve to your managers and colleagues after you return
    3. Remind your supervisor of the 3 ISA continuing education units (CEU) available
    4. Demonstrate a plan for resource coverage while you’re attending

Justify your attendance:

When it comes to resource allocation consider two aspects:

    1. Expenses
    2. Return on Investment (ROI)

We recommend estimating the following expenses

  • Registration: $ _________________
  • Flight: $ _________________
  • Lodging: $ ________________
  • Transportation: $ _________________
  • Mileage: $ _________________
  • Parking: $ _________________
  • Food: $ _________________
  • TOTAL: $ _________________

Demonstrating tangible ROI:

AiDASH is dedicated to ensuring that Evolve is an opportunity for real education along with the ability to network and build meaningful relationships. Here are the key points for thinking about your Return on Investment:
  1. Gain real education & insight: we are offering 3 master class sessions that qualify for ISA continuing education units (CEUs).
  2. Provide input & give feedback: about your experiences, your tools and how the landscape is changing – in-person and directly to the AiDASH team.
  3. Network & build relationships: meet other people, share experiences and important lessons, make valuable connections.
  4. See the Future: see what’s coming for the AiDASH platform as well as other tools and innovations in our space from partners
  5. Bring knowledge back: present what you learned and demonstrate how those learnings can make your organization even better

Making the case:

After estimating expenses and getting clear about tangible benefits, put together a comprehensive case for attendance that includes concrete return on investment. Below, we have put together a justification letter that paints a complete picture of how attendance will benefit you and your organization.

Justification letter:

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to request approval to attend AiDASH Evolve 2024, scheduled to take place from October 16-18 in New Orleans, Louisiana. This conference aims to be one of the premier events in our industry, and attending offers real benefits to both my professional development and our organization:

  1. Real education & insight:
    Not only does the conference have a robust agenda with keynote presentations from industry experts and leaders, but it also offers multiple ISA continuing education units (CEUs).
  2. Networking opportunities:
    Evolve provides an unparalleled opportunity to network, share ideas, and build relationships with peers, potential partners, and thought leaders. Learning from others who are faced with similar challenges means I can bring back invaluable insights we can apply directly to our own organization.
  3. Practical Takeaways and Tools:
    The conference includes hands-on master classes and breakout sessions that offer practical tools, insights and strategies which I can bring back to our team. These learnings will help us streamline, become more efficient, and contribute to a stronger future.
  4. Celebrate our organization:
    I can take advantage of the opportunity to share all of the great things that our organization is doing with other industry leaders and contribute to the ongoing conversation about utilities, reliability, and the climate. Evolve represents a moment for me to be a true ambassador.
  5. Knowledge Sharing:
    Upon my return, I plan to share the knowledge and insights gained at the conference with our team through a detailed report and a presentation. This will ensure that the entire team benefits from the information and can apply it to our work.

The total estimated cost for attending the conference, including registration, travel, accommodation, and meals, is approximately [$X,XXX]. Given the clear and tangible benefits, this is a worthwhile investment in our organization’s future.

I am confident that attending Evolve 2024 will yield substantial returns for our company and contribute to our ongoing success. I appreciate your consideration of this request and look forward to discussing it further.

Thank you for your support.


We look forward to seeing you at Evolve 2024!